I had a picture of a shepherd. God reminding us that we are his sheep and he is our shepherd
We love to hear how God is speaking to us as a community, as these life giving words cheer us on in our walks with Jesus. Have you heard anything from God you feel you could share? If so please fill in the form below and we’d love to post it to this page to encourage others.
The Women’s group recently completed a bible study on Revelation. One of the final questions asked what we have learned from the study. One of
I feel this is for someone from God – “A time of transformation is about to come. You’ve been hiding in the background & now
I feel this word is for someone “God has been displaying His protection over your life and how special you are to Him. Take courage
UNRAVELLING – I saw seams slowly unravelling – You feel like you can’t stop it – God isn’t unravelling he is RELEASING your beauty like
Hebrews 12:2 Some people are struggling with joy because they are focussing on themselves. “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author & perfector
WILD CAMPING I had a picture of a tent, a sink, a toilet etc… You are not expected to live in a field like you
For someone who is suffering with Imposter Syndrome You belong to God You love God You know He loves you But – you feel an
I had a picture of someone seeing a balloon being burst – they were too nervous or unsure to share. 1) God is confirming it’s
During the Sunday service, Simon said the word “Unblock” (The word blockage was already in my head) Don’t let your words of knowledge be like
BE KIND I had a picture of a black shadow with green running around it. BE COMPASSIONATE to people feeling very low at the moment
I am with you ALWAYS! The words of Jesus Believe that this is true(and it is)
The Sun is rising on a new day The old has gone The new has come It is a NEW DAY!
Emmanuel – God with us Maranatha – The Lord is at hand